Since the retina iPad came out, it has become quite obvious that Apple will want to provide retina displays also for their notebooks, especially since the discovery of double resolution art work in Mountain Lion.
The question now is which resolution will Apple choose for the lineup. I am pretty convinced that they will want to have only one resolution to make scaling the display production process easy, and that makes 220 dpi the natural choice. It is twice the 110 dpi found in the 27″ display, and with you keeping a slightly larger distance from the screen than with an iPad it would still classify as a Retina Display.
As you can see the required bandwidth would be large, and with 266 dpi requiring 46% more pixels than 220 dpi I believe it to be obvious that Apple will settle for 220 dpi as their only resolution.
The next question is: which models will get the retina display? Since Apple values simplicity, there are only two answers: all notebooks get or all Airs get it. I would not be surprised if Apple would wait with the Retina introduction until the screens can be produced in numbers even for 17″, to make Retina displays the distinctive feature for all MacBooks.